
Showing posts from 2017
IS THERE THE NEED TO REVIEW GHANA’S ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ACT 2008 (ACT772)? INTRODUCTION I have since the passing of Ghana’s Electronic Transactions Act 2008 (Act772) wondered whether it was drafted by pure Information Technology (IT) professionals or pure lawyers or a mix of both. Even a mix of both without having lawyers who are “IT compatible” and IT professionals who are “legally compatible” to appreciate the perspectives of each other is still likely to create a disjoint between the law and how information systems work which to me is what we have created in Act 772. I intend to highlight challenges with respect to a few areas and attempt to give solutions to the following to make my case: ·          E-mailing contracting ·          Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures ·          Liability in Using E-Government Services ·   ...